Fire at Belleview

 J. J. Huey’s Store Totally Destroyed

Between two and three o’clock yesterdays morning the citizens of Belleview were aroused from their slumbers by a loud explosion. Hastening to their doors they discovered the building on which John J. Huey kept store was on fire.

A large crowd was soon about the burning building, the interior of which was a mass of seething flames, rendering it impossible to enter the store room, and in a few minutes the flames were bursting from every door and window.

A hole was cut through the wall, and one account book was saved from the store room, while a few barrels of salt were saved from the shed room.

Mrs. Josie Piatt’s organ and household goods and wardrobe occupied a room above the store, and were a total loss.

The stock of goods lost was worth about $2,500 on which were $1,600 or $1,700 insurance in a company represented by J. M. Lassing.

The the fire originated is a mystery, as Mr. Huey left the store about ten o’clock the evening before, and left but little fire in the store, and no lamps burning.

It was almost sixteen years ago that Jesse Hewitt’s store was destroyed by fire in Belleview. 


from the Boone County Recorder, February 17, 1892