Robert Schulyer Hensley, Belleview, Kentucky
Robert S. Hensley is a prominent resident of Grant, where he carries on an extensive general store business which he purchased from W. E. Yelton in August, 1823. Mr. Hensley was born in Somerset on May 5, 1895, the son of Howell and Mary Ellen Keith Hensley who now resides at Fort Worth, Texas. The father of Robert Hensley was a well known clergyman and was pastor of the Baptist church at Belleview for a good many years. He was loved and respected by all who knew him and his fine traits of character have been handed down to the son, who numbers his friends by the hundreds.
Robert Hensley was taken by his parents to Texas at the age of three years. He grew up in that state and remained until 1909, when his father again returned to Belleview as pastor of the Baptist Church.
Mr. Hensley received his schooling in this county at Grant. On January 26, 1913 he was united in marriage with Clara A. Riley, daughter of Mr. James A. and Josie Riddell Riley who were natives of this county and descendents of one of its oldest families.
After his marriage, young Hensley became interested in farming where he stayed two years, moving to Tipton, Ind., where he purchased a store which he conducted for over a year. The next three years were spent in conducting a large store in Terre Haute, Ind., where he was connected in business with his uncle.
Both Mr. And Mrs. Hensley are members and zealous workers in the Baptist church at Belleview and where Mr. Hensley is the choir leader. They have two children, Howell Riley, aged sixteen, and Espy Almarine, aged fourteen. Mr. Hensley is a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge and derives his greatest relaxation and recreation from baseball and croquet. He is intensely interested in the further development of the community and is ever ready and willing to cooperate toward the upbuilding of the entire community.
from the 1930 Historical Edition of the Boone County Recorder