Mason County Auto Registrations

x:num="3835" > 7/1/1910
Date Owner City Auto Horse-power  Tax
6/14/1910 Guy, Ira Germantown Buick 22 $5
3/17/1911 Collins, C. A. Mayslick Buick 18  $5
8/26/1910 Manley, Isaac N. Mayslick Kiblinger 11 6/10 $5
8/9/1910 Weber, George Mayslick Cadillac 8 $5
9/8/1910 Blotterman, Shelby M. Maysville E.M.F. 30 $10
6/27/1910 Bouldin, A. W. Maysville Buick 18 $5
6/14/1910 Brand, L. Maysville Buick 18 $5
6/14/1910 Browning, Lewright Maysville Buick 30 $10
6/14/1910 Canfield, F. J. Maysville Mitchell 30 $10
6/27/1910 Caproni, Joe Maysville Buick 22 $5
6/29/1910 Clooney, A. Maysville Ford 20 $5
6/14/1910 Cochran, Miss Harriett Frances Maysville Buick 30 $10
Cooper, J. A. Maysville Ford 20 $5
7/12/1910 Coyle, A. D. Maysville Oakland 30 $10
6/27/1911 Downing, E. G. Maysville Buick 18 $5
6/14/1910 Downing, Robert L Maysville Buick 18 $5
9/1/1910 Gerbrich, F. F. Maysville Buick 20 $5
5/23/1911 Glascock, A. L. Maysville E.M.F. 30 $10
4/12/1911 Grigsby, Oscar Maysville Maxwell 12 $5
7/26/1910 Gussed [sp?], Ed Maysville Ford 20 $5
8/13/1910 Hill, Howard Lee Maysville Sears 14 $5
7/7/1910 Holiday, H. G. Maysville Buick 10 $5
6/27/1910 Keith, J. D. Maysville Mitchell 30 $10
5/31/1911 Key, W. Holton Maysville Ford 20 $5
6/14/1910 Kirk Brothers Maysville Buick 22 $5
7/4/1910 Malone, Thomas Maysville Locomobile 35 $10
9/21/1910 Marshall, Joseph M. Maysville Maxwell 22 $5
6/30/1910 McIlvain, W. H. Maysville Cadillac 30 $10
6/29/1910 Merz, Eugene Maysville Ford 20 $5
6/14/1910 Myall, Eneas & Chas Calvert Maysville Buick 22 $5
10/10/1910 Newell, J. A. Maysville Ford 20 $5
3/7/1911 Parker, J. Ed. Maysville Buick 18 $5
6/14/1910 Parker, Preston P. Maysville Mitchell 30-35 $10
10/3/1910 Pearce, Chas. D. Maysville Buick 30 $10
10/3/1910 Prather, A. H. Maysville Winton 23 $5
8/12/1910 Reed, Charles F Maysville Schacht 20 $5
6/14/1910 Russell, J. Barbour Maysville Cadillac 30 $10
6/14/1910 Russell, Thomas M. Maysville Cadillac 25 $10
6/30/1910 Slack, E. C. Maysville Winton Six 48 $10
9/1/1910 Smoot, Dr. P. G. Maysville Cadillac 30 $10
6/29/1910 Smoot, W. B. Maysville Maxwell 12 $5
6/14/1910 Taulbee, Woodson H. Maysville Hupmobile 20 $5
8/20/1910 Traxel, [illeg] Maysville Reo 16 $5
6/14/1910 Weis, Wm. Maysville Buick 18 $5
3/25/1911 Henry, O. C. Minerva Maxwell 16 $5
6/14/1910 Newman, C. H. Sardis Oakland 30 $10
9/19/1910 Wheatley, W. S. & J. M. Sardis Buick 22 $5



This is a list of all the automobiles registered with the State of Kentucky from June 14, 1910 until roughly the same day in 1911.  It's the first year Kentucky registered automobiles; so these may not be THE first cars in the county, but they are the first registered cars.