An incorporated village of 250 inhabitants, situated near Bracken creek, in the northwestern part of Mason county, 12 miles from Maysville, the county seat and nearest railroad station, 200 miles from Louisville, and 5 from Dover, on the Ohio river, its nearest shipping point. It was settled in 1800, and incorporated in 1855, and contains four churches, Methodist, Baptist, Reform, and Catholic, Minerva Collegiate Institute, and one colored school. Its principal shipments are tobacco, country produce, cattle and hogs. Semi-weekly mail. John B. Hawes, postmaster.
Business Directory
Case, Edward, blacksmith.
Frazee, D.F., leaf tobacco.
Hawes, John B., General Store.
Hubbard, Henry, tailor.
Pepper, T.J., dealer in leaf tobacco.
Reed, John A., physician.
Rhoems, Geo., shoemaker.
Staton, Perry, Blacksmith.
Wallace, Stewart, harnessmaker.
Watson, J.H., boarding house.
Winter, Geo. F., dealer in leaf tobacco.
This info is from the Kentucky State
Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in
Louisville. Items in bold were bolded in the original