Turnpike War


Turnpike War


Threatened in Mason County


County's Lease Has Expired

Maysville, Ky., May 3.-The lease on the three main turnpike roads expired to-day, and unless the county buys these pikes the companies will in the next week replace the gates, and there will be trouble. The Fiscal Court was in session all day trying to purchase the roads. Colonel Baldwin, the turnpike king, and other magnates refused to sell for less than $83,000. The county voted $60,000 last November on condition that all the roads should be bought for that sum or no binds should be issued. Baldwin has bought the state's and Fayette County's stock in the road since he was ousted, and will soon be in absolute control again. The Court will meet Tuesday and the gates will then be replace unless the roads are bought, which is thought will be done in some way.


Cincinnati Enquirer, May 4, 1899