fancy title graphic

Ryan Brothers

Aerial View of Bromley
from a Tom Dryer post on Facebook


Bromley, Kentucky Bromley, Kentucky Bromley, Kentucky

Aerial View of
Bromley, c. 1914

Bromley Shinny Club, c. 1914
Wikipedia explains shinny.

Pike Street, East
from Harris Street
 (now Tanner), c. 1914


Bromley, Kentucky Bromley, Kentucky

Bromley Public School, c. 1914

Bromley School. 1948


Bromley, Ky

The Trolley Turn-Around in Bromley


Bromley, Ky

Gabriel and Emma Black's home, 1906
From a Facebook post by Patty Black


Bromley, Ky

Bromley Service
From a Facebook post by Kathy Luck Keri


Bromley Scene Bromley Scene Bromley Scene Bromley Scene
Main and Pike
from a Facebook post by Tom Dryer
The Bromley Ferry

On Bromley/Crescent Springs Road
from a Facebook post by Tom Dryer

Mueller's Drug Store
from a Facebook post by Tom Dryer


Three Bromley houses have an application to be on the National Register of Historic Places. Each is full of pictures and history. All are pdf's.
Prettyman Merry House Pleasant Run House 1 Pleasant Run House 2


bromley blacksmith
Charles E. Maegly Grocery
“Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Provisions, &c.”
northwest corner of Main and Shelby, Bromley, Kentucky
Grocery operated from c. 1902-1930

Fred Folz, General Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing,
from a Facebook post by Steve Kottmyer, of his Grandfather (on the left)


Bridge between Bromley and Ludlow Bridge between Bromley and Ludlow Memories

Bridge between Bromley and Ludlow

Remembering the toll bridge.
From a Facebook post by Paula Smith

Gas Station of Lawson Brown. Bromley
Gas Station of Lawson Brown.
(Where the Vet's Memorial is now)
From a Facebook post by Barbara Brown Cook

Bromley, c. 1955
from a Facebook post by Michael L. Green



Represented to us as Bromley



Three Wheel Inn
17 Pike Street



George Hackstadt lived in Bromley, and ran businesses in Ludlow and Covington.

Big fire at historic building owned by Hackstadt's.



Fire at Kerl's. The news story.
From a Facebook post by Kathy Luck Kerl


Bromley, Kentucky Ludlow Lagoon
Christian Church on Kenton
 Street, c. 1914. 
1913 Flood
from a Facebook post by Gary Hellebush.


Immanual Reformed
German Church, Bromley, c. 1914, on the n.w. corner of Boone and Harris (Tanner) First German Reformed Church, later, the Immanuel Reformed Church of Bromley
These are the same place. The church was first organized on March 11, 1894 and this building was dedicated on July 7, 1918. The name was changed due to the anti-German hysteria of the WWI era.


Bromley, Kentucky
Bromley Jr. Order - Flag Raising,
September, 1915

Damage from the 1915
Tornado. More NKY
damage from this one, here.


Bromley, Kentucky            Bromley, Kentucky

These are the stores of Mrs. Christiana Kaye, widow of Charles M Kaye.
  That's her confectionery at 116 Pike Street in Bromley and her Notions store
next door at 118 Pike.  We assume, but don't know, that that's her in the pictures.  

kenton line

Bromley, Kentucky Bromley, Kentucky

Pike Street, Bromley, in
the 1913 Flood

While you don't hear as much
about it, 1933 also saw a
terrible flood.  This is
March 22, 1933.


Bromley Flood

Bromley-Crescent Springs Road, 1937 Flood
From a Facebook post by Nathan Workman


Bromley, 1937 Flood Bromley, 1937 Flood Bromley, 1937 Flood
Bromley Ball Filed, 1937 Bromley in the 1937 Flood
Bromley, 1937 Flood Bromley, 1937 Flood Bromley, 1937 Flood
1937 Flood aftermath Rohman
Short Street    
Bromley, 1937 Flood Bromley, 1937 Flood Bromley, 1937 Flood
Harris (Tanner) and Shelby Similar but different aerials of 37 Bromley Flood


Bromley, 1937

1937 Flood, Main and Boone
From a Facebook post by Casey Head

The story of Bromley and the 1937 Flood. Another item on Bromley and the '37 flood is here.

newA Bromley man gets a new, well . . . different, house in 1937 flood.


Bromley, Kentucky Bromley, Kentucky Bromley, Kentucky Bromley, Kentucky
At the end of the Ludlow Car Line Pleasant & Shelby, 326 Hayward Avenue Shelby and Pleasant Streets
Bromley Scenes from the 1937 Flood


Bromley, Ky Bromley, Ky
Kentucky Post, April 19, 1907 Catholic Telegraph, July 26, 1928


1997 Flood 1997 Flood
Flood Scenes, 1997
From a Facebook post by Misty Thomas


Bromley, Ky
The day after the blizzard on the
day after Thanksgiving, 1950
Scene from Pleasant
Run, 1930


Bromley, Kentucky

Bromley, Kentucky Bromley, Ky Bromley VFD Bromley VFD
Bromley Fire
Department 1941

Bromley VFD, 1953

Bromley Fire Truck

Henry Haberle at the wheel in 1915 c. 1925

Want to see LOTS of Bromley Fire Department pictures? Their scrapbook (pdf) courtesy of the Kenton County Public Library.

The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, May 4, 1849


Bromley, Kentucky          

Bromley, 1883


Erlanger, Ky

View of Bold Face Creek in the Ohio River Valley, Henry Lovie, 1858
Bold Face Creek empties into the Ohio River on the Ohio side of Bromley.
The painting is looking toward the Kentucky side.

kenton line

Thanks! to Steve Cohen for some of the images on this page.

Bromley's Harris Street became Steve Tanner Street.  Details here and here.

A list of Bromley merchants as listed in the 1912-13 city directory is here.

F. A. Voelker's History of Bromley Murder in Bromley
John Burns' History of Bromley (pdf) Hundreds evacuated in Bromley, 1944.
The Bromley marble champions. Bromley becomes official.

“The prize fish story of the season originated in Bromley, Ky., Wednesday, when Harry Wonderly caught a buffalo that weighed just a few ounces less  than 100 pounds.  The fish was caught in a set net with a lot of other fishes.”

“Our Bromley correspondent informs us that there is good sleighing in that classic little village, but that nothing else of note has happened on account of all the whiskey freezing solid.”  undated newspaper clipping

newLudlow proposes to annex Bromley, and make it a part of Ludlow.
The attempted elopement of Mamie Turner and Bill Syrup, here. An angry papa got involved. . . Bromley was incorporated as a city on May 23, 1890.
The steamer General Pike was charged with distributing relief supplies at the height of the 1884 flood.  On reaching Bromley, they reported: “Bromley, a small Kentucky town composed of gardeners, was passed.  It is entirely submerged and appeared depopulated.”
“Last Monday Mr. James Moore, of this county, was arrested and fine ten dollars and costs - the full extent of the law - before Esquire Kennedy for evading the turnpike - that is, traveling along the full extent of the road, and then leaving it at Bromley without passing through the gate.  The President of the road informs us there are others who are deserving of like treatment.”
“It has been the custom, for many years past, for persons in Bromley and vicinity to inter their dead on the farm of David Harris, without the usual formality of asking permission.  No objection has been made up to this time, but parties on the Ohio side of the river having begun to exercise the same privilege, Mr. Harris deems it his duty to interfere to prevent it; and while he will not compel the disinterment of bodies already buried there, he positively refuses to allow any further use of his premises for cemetery purposes.” 

A little below Bromley, about a mile upriver from the Anderson Ferry, was the McCullum Riffle.  You can read about a steamboat incident there from 1851, here.

Railroad ruffians in 1875 in Bromley, here.


“Let's prepare people's food in a former sewer treatment plant!
What could possibly go wrong?”

kenton line